Liebster Awards Nomination

Liebster Award

I have been invited to participate in the Liebster Award by Sarah at Sarah Heiman Blog + Portfolio. Thank you for the nomination!
The Liebster Award is a way to connect with other bloggers and get the chance to make new friends. I love to mingle around in the blogging community. So I thought I would give it a shot. You get the chance to get to know me. And meet my amazing nominees. Let us do this – it is just for fun!


First an introduction: the Liebster Award is a chain award created by bloggers and passed on from one blogger to another to encourage connections. It is a wonderful, fun way to interact and make friends in the blogging community. These are the rules:

1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.

2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.

3. Nominate 11 other bloggers, who have less than 200 followers and link them. (Please! Do not be offended if I nominate you and you have more followers. It is my way to support you regardless of your numbers. My “mistake” is probably done because I could not find your rates. I am sorry for any inconveniences).

4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.

5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

My answers to the questions from Sarah

1. If you could only watch one TV show on repeat for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
I rather not watch at all. Do I have to? In that case The Office (US). I had some good laughs watching it.

2. What is your “holy grail” beauty or skin care product and why?
My natural hair products made by my organic hairdresser Friekosör in Stockholm. Since I started using their products my hair has become healthy and shiny. And the scent of essential oils from herbs and flowers is so refreshing.

3. What is your favorite TV show or movie that’s based on a book?
I will have to go with the movie trilogy The Lord of the Rings.

4. What’s your current favorite blog?
This is a hard one – I have so many to choose from… If I have to pick one – Reduce Footprints an engaged blog with great posts about sustainability and environment. Connecting like-minded bloggers via challenges and features. Always supporting fellow bloggers by sharing and commenting on their content.

5. What inspired you to start your own blog?
I love to write and thought I would do something about it. Blogging is a nice way to connect with others and be creative. The writing form of a blog post suits me – the process behind is inspiring.

6. What’s your guilty pleasure?
A real Swedish fika. There is no English name for it (but it roughly means having coffee/tea and a pastry/cookie/bun often with friends or family).

7. What is the best product you’ve recently discovered?
Organic Rose Petal Hydrolat I use it as a skin tonic dabbing it in my face and underneath my eyes. It has a constraining and refreshing effect. The scent of roses is so revitalising.

8. What’s your beverage (alcoholic or non) of choice?
Fresh squeezed lemon juice with ice. Water to meals.

9. What is your favorite beauty tip?
Be yourself and smile. A cliché I know but it is true. If you feel comfortable inside it shines through. Some people just have that sparkle in their eyes and you can almost see their inner strength. I think it is beautiful.

10. What are your top three dream travel destinations?
Chelsea Flower Show. Potsdam to visit all the parks (many are UNESCO World Heritage Sites). To snorkel at a healthy, thriving coral reef (not a specific destination but a dream).

11. What’s your favorite smart-phone app?
Except for all social media apps I will go with Mindfulness II it is a part of my everyday routine.

My nominees

I can guarantee you will find some interesting blogs/bloggers among my nominees so be sure to visit them. With no particular order – let me introduce you to:

  1. Life Breath Present
  2. Domestic Geek Girl
  3. Reduce Footprints
  4. Urban Natural
  5. Nature Moms Blog
  6. The Green Queen of Moderation
  7. Pam´s English Cottage Garden
  8. Garden Matter
  9. Autism Mom
  10. Organic 4 Greenlivings
  11. The Ramblings of an Aspiring Small Town Girl

Congratulation to my nominees. Liebster Award | My Green Nook

My questions for the nominees

1. Which is your favorite plant or flower and why?

2. Which is your motto in life (or life quote)?

3. What kind of exercises do you prefer/enjoy most and why?

4. Which is your favorite cook book?

5. Which is your number one environmental/sustainability advice?

6. Why did you become a blogger?

7. How do you treat/reward yourself when you have accomplished something (really made an effort)?

8. Which is your top well-being tip?

9. Which is your favorite book?

10. What kind of garden style/design do you prefer and why?

11. What is your favorite meal or recipe?

Good luck!


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Creative K Kids

15 thoughts on “Liebster Awards Nomination

  1. Hi. I just stopped by to read your theme reveal. I am so glad I did. I can’t wait to follow your post during the challenge. Gardening is my therapy … I’m just not very good at it.

    I am hosting a little mystery game for my crime fiction theme. I will be awarding weekly prizes for solving daily clues and a grand prize for solving the murder mystery. I hope you will stop by and visit .


    • You are so welcome. It was only a pleasure. I think you and your blog deserves to be awarded. You deliver an important messege – green, healthy, natural living. And via your blog hop I have connected with like-minded bloggers. You are very engaged. Always sharing and commenting to show your support. I am glad you will participate and feel honnered. Have a great week!


  2. Ooo! Very cool! I admit, I kill everything that I try to grow, but I do like to have plants in my garden. We have Jasmine that’s currently trying to take over everything, and a hydrangea that’s trying to send its progeny to the roof, for whatever reason. I look forward to reading your April challenge posts! 🙂


  3. Wow … thank you so much for not only including me but also for listing Reduce Footprints as one of your favorite blogs. I’m so honored! I also congratulate you for being nominated and I loved learning a bit more about you. What a nice way to start my week … thank you, again! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are welcome 🙂 I thought you really deserved it and I am grateful to have connected with you. Through your blog I have met a lot of like-minded bloggers. Your challenges every week is so much fun and important. So I think it is in order that I thank you and show my appreciation!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations to you – it is well deserved! Thank you so much for the nomination – I was just nominated last month and participated then. I am looking forward to checking out your list of nominees!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I totally understand, Gingi. Of course you should spend your time with the family. It is the most important in our lives. I have already cut down on the online time since we have a lot to prepare. And I guess I will be absent for a while when our baby arrives. Rookie as I am lol Thank you my sweet friend for taking your time ❤ Your comments are always much appreciated 🙂


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