I Call for Assistance

Dear fellow bloggers, friends and earthlings I call for assistance. I need your help during May and the beginning of June when our baby is planned to be born. My blog posts will probably be as absence as me. I would be so grateful if some kind soul could help me during a couple of weeks. Just to keep the blog alive and kicking. I will of course do my best to maintain it. A few shares would be of great help since I have limited access to schedule social media publicize. You may share old posts as well as new posts – all shares are welcome.

I call for assistance | My Green Nook

The clock is ticking and it is time for me to give birth in the nearest future. This late in pregnancy the stamina and focus is weakened. And I believe it will be necessary for me to cut down the pace. And once our baby arrives maybe even be offline for a while until things settle. It is our first baby so everything is new and I do not know what to expect. But I rather plan to take it easy than getting surprised. Our little one deserves all attention and I probably need my strength to manage sleepless nights and being the mom I want to be. I guess all mothers and fathers out there know how it can be.

Do not feel obligated. I want you to do it for fun. I can not give you any compensation but my appreciation and support whenever you need. Paying your favours with my favours. I know this is a great thing to ask for and I had a hard time deciding if I should write this shout out. But I believe in kindness and compassion so I hope someone hear my call.

Thank you for responding!

My sincerest gratitude,
Charlotte ♥

23 thoughts on “I Call for Assistance

  1. Hi Charlotte – congratulations and what a great shout out request … looks like three very kind people have offered to help … I’m way behind .. as you very kindly left a comment on G for Gardens … so you know how far behind I am … I know babies don’t wait!! Enjoy him/her and have an easy time … and then many happy days and years ahead …

    Good luck – I won’t be far away … and congratulations on finishing the A-Z … cheers HIlary

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh dear I left a message a few days ago that seems to have evaporated.
    I am a total newbie who may be no help to you at all, but I’m happy to write a guest post or two( if you are brave enough to have me!)
    We have made hanging gardens and an outdoor table from brick pallets left when we built the house. And have old circular saws and pieces of wrought iron fence as garden art… I have a herb box on wheels in our courtyard to protect it from the sea winds and can it around as seasons demand… and am about to plant my first ever vegie garden… if any of that appeals, just sing out…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on your soon-to-be little one!!!
    It does take a lot of time and energy at first, but you’ll get into a rhythm quickly. 🙂
    I will try to remember (I wrote it down, otherwise…).
    All the best. And I have some amazing advice: enjoy every minute! 🙂

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  4. I’m so happy for you …. you’re starting a fabulous new chapter in your life. I can’t wait to hear about your journey into motherhood. I’d be happy to promote your posts … I’ll swing by, often, and share your blog & posts on various social media! And, if you’d like to republish any of my content on your blog, please feel free! All the best and we’ll “see” you (and your little one) when you return!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I will be happy to try a put article through social media as much as I can for you. I wish you and your family the very best. I hope you can enjoy your new baby and spend time you need to with your family. Congratulations and God Bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. How wOnderfully exciting… Charlotte, do not believe anyone who says there is a right way to mother…. We ALL make it up as we go along.
    I’m a total newcomer to blogging and don’t even know how to share! I’m not on Twitter or Bloglovin and I am probably no use to you at all. But if you’d like me to have a go at writing a guest post ( which I’ve never done) I will give it a crack… Just let me know what and how and when!

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