V as in Viola

V as in Viola. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook Family: Violaceae

Genus: Viola

Species: Viola odorata

Common names: wood violet, sweet violet, English violet, common violet, florist’s violet, garden violet Swedish name: doftviol, luktviol

Viola is a genus of flowering perennial and annual plants, a few are small shrubs. It is the largest genus in the family, Violaceae, containing between 525 and 600 species. Most are found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, but some are found in divergent areas such as Hawaii, Australia, and the Andes. A large number of species, varieties and cultivars are grown in gardens for their ornamental flowers. The terms viola and violet are normally reserved for small-flowered annuals or perennials. And the term pansy is normally used for annual or biennial large-flowered cultivars which are raised from seed. Cultivars of Viola cornuta, Viola cucullata, Viola odorata, are commonly grown. Other species grown include Viola labradorica, Viola pedata, and Viola rotundifolia.

Viola odorata is native to Europe and Asia, but has also been introduced to North America and Australia. The plant is known as Banafsa, Banafsha or Banaksa in India. Several cultivars have been selected for garden use. The sweet scent of this flower has proved popular throughout the generations particularly in the late Victorian period, and has been used in the production of many cosmetic fragrances and perfumes. Viola odorata flowers and newly sprung leaves are also edible. The flowers, leaves and roots contain vitamin A and C.

Viola odorata - sweet violet. V as in Viola. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook.jpg

Viola odorata – sweet violet.

Description: Viola odorata is a hardy herbaceous flowering perennial. The flowers are aromatic and normally either dark violet or white. The leaves and flowers are gathered in a basal rosette. The plant spreads with stolons (above-ground shoots). The sweet violet blooms in Spring (in Sweden April-May). There are cultivars with pink, yellow, blue and white flowers some are even double/filled. One of my favorites is ‘Königin Charlotte’ or ‘Queen Charlotte’ (and it is not because of the name).

How to grow: Viola odorata prefers a somewhat moist and humus rich soil in partial shade. Fertilization is not necessary. Giving it too much nutrition discourage blossom in advantage of leaves. It is suitable as a ground cover under airy shrubs and in garden beds. It is lovely in a woodland edge or let it grow wild in the lawn. Some treat it as a weed since it easily spreads with both the stolons and seeds in the grass. But to me it adds more value to the lawn.

To sweet to eat?

Violet Decoration Cake. V as in Viola. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Violet Decoration. Photo: distopiandreamgirl ©

The violet was a symbol of fertility and love to The Ancient Greeks, they used it in love potions. Medicinal the flowers and leaves of viola are made into a syrup used in alternative medicine mainly for respiratory ailments associated with congestion, coughing, and sore throat. But the syrup may be used for other purposes too. I remember the small candy boxes with Violet Pastilles we used to get when I was a little girl. The lovely taste lingers in my memory, when I got older I discovered the awesome taste combination liquorice and violet.


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U as in Urtica

U as in Urtica. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook Family: Urticaceae

Genus: Urtica

Species: Urtica dioica

Common names: stinging nettles, bull nettle Swedish name: brännässla

Urtica is a genus of flowering annual or perennial herbaceous plants. The perennial species have underground rhizomes giving them a weed-like growth. Many species have stinging hairs on their green parts and are often called nettles. Thanks to the stinging hairs, Urtica species are rarely eaten by herbivores, so they provide long-term shelter for insects, such as aphids, caterpillars and moths. The insects, in turn, provide food for small birds, such as tits. This makes Urtica valuable wildlife plants.

Urtica dioica is a perennial native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and North America. The species epithet dioica means di (two) and oikos (house) which indicates that the male flowers and the female flowers grow on different plants. Urtica dioica has a long history of use as a medicine, as a food source and as a source of fibre. In Europe nettles are associated with human habitation. The presence of nettles may indicate human and animal influence. Being responsible for elevated levels of phosphate and nitrogen in the soil, providing an ideal environment for nettles. Nettles are the exclusive larval food plant for several species of butterfly.

Urtica dioica. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Urtica dioica – stinging nettle

Description: Urtica dioica has widely spreading rhizomes and stolons, which are bright yellow, as are the roots. It bears small greenish or brownish numerous flowers. The leaves and stems have stinging hairs (trichomes), whose tips come off when touched, transforming the hair into a needle that will inject several chemicals causing a painful sting.

How to grow: Nettles are not usually grown rather seen as a weed. But you may purchase seeds from companies that sell herbal and medicinal plants. Before planting, think twice and chose a patch where you can keep it under control. It needs full sun or partial shade. A moist and nutritious soil. Tilling is the best way to keep it in place.

A weed with many uses

In folk medicine the stinging nettle was used to treat anemia, oedema, diabetes and arthritis. The whole plant was used but the green parts was said to be diuretic, blood building, and a weak lower of the blood sugar. The circulation in the skin was thought to be improved. The active substances are vitamin C, iron and in fresh plants histamine, acetylcholine and formid acid. The stinging nettle is also used to improve the appearance of the hair, and is said to be a remedy against oily hair and dandruff.

The neat spring sprouts can be harvest to eat. The stem can be use to make fibers reminding of the process making flax. Of the fibers a fine fabric was made, called nettle cloth. The root can be used as a natural dye for textiles.

In the garden it is a useful companion plant. Stinging nettles can be used to make nettle water which is used as nourishment feeding it to plants and vegetables.


Stinging nettle pizza. U as in Urtica. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Stinging nettle pizza. Photo: Theresa Carle-Sanders ©

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Disclaimer: Be careful when using herbal remedies since the effects may be uncertain. I don´t recommend herbal medicine as a substitute for school medicine in any way. Always consult the professional health care.

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R as in Rosa

R as in Rosa. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook Family: Rosaceae

Genus: Rosa

Species: Rosa dumalis

Common names: glaucous dog-rose Swedish name: nyponros, törnros

The genus Rosa consists of about 200 species distributed from subtropical to cool temperate areas. I think most of you are familiar with the beautiful flowers often used as ornamental plants. They have a long history of being cultivated and hybridised. But there are also many wild forms growing in nature contributing to wildlife and foraging.

Rosa dumalis is a species of rose native to Europe and southwest Asia. It grows wild in Sweden and can be found in glades, forest edges, pastures and along roads. The epithet dumalis means shape like a bush and describes its way of growth. It is seldom used as an ornamental plant but it produces one of the best rose hips. Rose hips are common to the Rosa spp. and are false fruits or pseudocarps. Rosa dumalis is often mistaken for Rosa canina which is a rose used in gardens, for example in hedges. Rosa gallica is another species often used in perfume and beauty products.

The rose hips of Rosa dumalis is very rich in vitamin C and is widely used in cooking. The rosehips are dried and pitted to be stored for later. Or if to be used fresh boiled softly and mashed before adding them to the meal. Other uses for rose hips are tea, flour, herbal treatments.

R as in Rosa. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Rosa dumalis. Photo: Kari Pihlaviita ©

Description: Rosa dumalis has an erect and robust growth. It has rough, bent thorns which are blue-green, smooth or slightly hairy. It blooms in summer (in Sweden June-July), the flowers got dark or pale pink petals and a yellow center. The sepals are upright and remains during the season. The rose hips are smooth, oval and quite soft. Rosa dumalis is shifting in appearance between individuals.

How to grow: Since it is not cultivated there are no general advice how to grow it. But looking at its natural habitat gives us a glimpse. It prefers full sun or partial shade. A well-drained but moist soil. It requires low maintenance and is quite modest in its needs. Pruning may be done in spring. Cut a few twigs to the ground to make the bush more airy and encourage new growth. I do not recommend to use this species in a garden bed but rather in a wildlife patch.

Recipe – Rose Hip Soup

Rose hip soup is one of my favorites and have been that since I was a kid. You can buy it at the grocery store but I prefer it homemade. It is made of rose hips, water, sugar and potato flour. The soup can be eaten cold or warm. It can be served with small almond biscuits, sliced bananas, splinted almonds, whipped cream or vanilla ice-cream.

Rose hip soup with with small biscuits made from almond, sugar and egg-whites. R as in Rosa. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Rose hip soup. Photo: Johan Jönsson ©


  • 5 dl dried rose hips
  • 1,5 liter water
  • 1,3 dl sugar (or other sweetener of your choice)
  • 1,5 tbsp potato flour
  • 1 cinnamon cane (optionally)

How to make:

  1. Soak the dried rose hips in the water over night or for a couple of hours
  2. Blend the rose hips with a mixer
  3. Put the mixed rose hips (with the water) in a saucepan
  4. Add the cinnamon cane (optionally)
  5. Let it boil on medium heath for about 3 hours. Stir every now and then
  6. Measure the rose hip soup and add 1,5 dl sugar to every 1,5 liter
  7. Mix 3-4 tbsp potato flour with 0,5 dl of water until it is solved. Add the mix to the soup.
  8. Heath the soup while stirring
  9. When it starts to boil it is ready
  10. Serve the soup or let it cool

You can use 7 dl fresh rose hips instead of the dried ones but then you have to prepare them before making the soup.

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O as in Oxalis

O as in Oxalis. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook Family: Oxalidaceae

Genus: Oxalis

Species: Oxalis tuberosa

Common names: oca, uqa, New Zealand yam Swedish name: oca

The genus Oxalis got its name from the plants content of oxalic acid giving the leaves and flowers a sour taste. Several species are grown as container plants (indoors and outdoors) or as ornamental plants in gardens. Four common species are O. versicolor, O. compressa (double flowers), O. triangularis (dark purple foliage) and O. articulata. The flowers of the Oxalis genus range in color and shades from white to yellow, peach, pink, or multi-coloured flowers.

The fleshy, juicy tubers of Oxalis tuberosa are edible and called oca. The root vegetable is a native plant in the northern Andes and were grown by the Inca people. It is still grown by farmers in South America. Oca is an important vegetable locally due to its use in crop rotations and its high nutritional content. The tuber is a source of carbohydrate and energy. And has a valuable content of vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium and vitamin B6. It also contains small amounts of fibre. Oxalis tuberosa has a slow growth and gives less yield than potatoes so it is not common on other continents. Except for New Zealand where it was introduced in the 1800´s and became very popular. There oca often is called New Zealand yam. The tubers can be processed and prepared in various ways. The leaves and young shoots can be eaten as a green vegetable.

Oxalis tuberosa. O as in Oxalis. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Oxalis tuberosa. Photo: mpaola_andreoni ©

Description: Oxalis tuberosa is a perennial herbaceous plant that overwinter as underground stem tubers. Several varieties are now available in yellow, orange, apricot, pink, as well as the traditional red-orange tubers.

How to grow: Oxalis tuberosa can be kind of tricky to grow because of its dependents of day length to grow properly. If it is to be grown as an ornamental plant other Oxalis species are preferable. Oca needs a long growing season, forming tubers when the day length shortens in autumn. In areas with harsh winter climates, early frosts may cut back the foliage before the tubers have a chance to form. In tropical areas where the days are unchanging in length, oca will not set a crop successfully. But it is quite modest in other requirements and generally grows even in marginal soil quality. Oxalis tuberosa is propagated vegetatively by planting whole tubers.

Oca or NZ yam. O as in Oxalis. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Oca or New Zealand yam. Photo: Lamerie ©

Oca or New Zealand Yam Recipes

Warm Oca Salad – recipe by Carl Legge at Permaculture

Roast Yams – recipe by CheekyKiwi at Allrecipes

Oca Homity Pie – recipe by Carl Legge at Permaculture

And for those of you who would like to try growing oca visit Growing Oca a blog by Ian Pearson.

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M as in Matteuccia

M as in Matteuccia. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook Family: Onocleaceae

Genus: Matteuccia

Species: Matteuccia struthiopteris

Common names: ostrich fern, fiddlehead ferns or shuttlecock fern
Swedish name: strutbräken

Matteuccia struthiopteris is said to be the only species in the genus Matteuccia. Depending on how it is classified some include M. orientalis and M. intermedia (both Asian species). The name struthiopteris is derived from the shape of the sterile fronds where struthio meaning ostrich and pterion meaning wing. The ostrich fern is a popular ornamental plant in gardens. The sprouts are edible and picked all over Japan (where it is called kogomi). The immature fronds, called fiddleheads, are also used as a cooked vegetable.

M as in Matteuccia. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Matteuccia struthiopteris. Photo: Ryan Somma ©

Description: Matteuccia struthiopteris is a perennial, deciduous and robust fern with creeping rhizomes. The bright green fronds (leaves) are sterile instead its sporangia is placed on stolons, brownish fertile fronds. The plant forms colonies of erect rosettes to 1.5m in height with the green fronds surrounding the fertile fronds. The sporangia and stolons are developed in autumn, staying erect over the winter and release the spores in early spring. This feature gives it a decoration value in winter. Matteuccia struthiopteris is otherwise most beautiful in spring when the large, pale green, fronds start to unfurl and filter the sunlight. Later the green fronds droop and disappear which should be taken into account. It is useful for very wet sites.

How to grow: Matteuccia struthiopteris prefers moist and shade to half shade. It needs to be sheltered to remain its beauty over the season. It is a great woodland plant and a nice ground cover under shrubs or trees. Remove dead fronds in early spring. Propagate by sowing spores as soon as ripe or by division in spring. Low maintenance.

Seasonal value – beauty all year

When we are to purchase new plants we often start to look in catalogs, garden books or browse for plants online. Most plants are just represented with a picture of the flowers leaving foliage, buds or other values behind. We need to learn to study all the characteristics and take every season into consideration. I will give you some examples and then I challenge you to look for more plants with seasonal value. Look at different bark/stems, twigs, buds, seed pods, stolons, grass (grains), bloom and foliage.

M as in Matteuccia. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Chestnut bud

M as in Matteuccia. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Magnolia bud

Himalayan birch stem/bark. M as in Matteuccia. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Himalayan birch stem/bark.

Cherry bark. M as in Matteuccia. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Cherry stem/bark.

Matteuccia stolon. M as in Matteuccia. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Ostrich fern stolons

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Add Nitrogen to The Soil

Add nitrogen to your soil with legumes and other nitrogen fixating plants. This weeks #CTWW challenge: Are you up for adding nutrients to the soil in a delicious way? By growing legumes we get food at the same time as we fertilize the soil with nitrogen via biological nitrogen fixation. I love sugar peas and usually grow a pot with them on my balcony. Last year I had a problem with mildew so this year I have to skip them. I am trying to figure out a replacement since legumes are so delicious and useful. Do you have any suggestions?

Pea Pod. Add Nitrogen to The Soil | My Green Nook

Here are some plants that via symbiosis with bacteria binds nitrogen: alfalfa, beans, clover, lotus, peas, soya beans, Lupinus and Sesbania. The bacterium lives in so-called nodules in the plants root system. From there they fix the nitrogen required by the plant. The soil access the nitrogen when the plant droops and withers. It is crucial to leave the plant in the soil. Mulching it down in pieces. If you tear up the plant the nitrogen will go to waste unless you put it in the compost.

Nitrogen fixation is a part of green manure. When you buy a seed mix you will see that some plants with this function are included. This is a great way to treat your soil in a greener way. Green manure is used to nourish and decompose the soil. In the end you get a healthy and airy soil. I have mentioned green manure in an earlier post Prepare for the green season.

Here is a link to a video showing how to grow green manure.

Make sure you check out the hashtag #CTWW in all social media to get more information about legumes. This challenge is managed by Reduce Footprints you find the link in my sidebar.

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J as in Juniperus

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook Family: Cupressaceae

Genus: Juniperus

Species: Juniperus communis

Common names: common juniper  Swedish name: en


The genus Juniperus consists of about 60 species widely distributed from the Arctic to the Central America. They are evergreen conifers with needle-like and/or scale-like leaves. The female seed cones are very distinctive, with a berry-like structure. Juniper berries are often aromatic and can be used as a spice in a wide variety of culinary dishes. It enhance meat with a strong flavour, such as game and is best known for the primary flavoring in gin.

Many varieties of Juniperus are used in landscaping and horticulture, Being one of the most popular species for use in bonsai. It is also a symbol of longevity, strength, athleticism, and fertility. Juniper is one of the plants used in religious rites. The ripened berries is known for treating conditions such as asthma and sciatica, as well as to speed childbirth. Juniper berries are steam distilled to produce an essential oil.

Juniperus communis is dioecious, with male and female cones on separate plants, which are wind-pollinated. In Scandinavia juniper wood is used in crafting, for example making wooden butter knives. It was also frequently used for trenails in wooden shipbuilding due to its tough properties.

J as in Juniperus. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Juniperus sp.

Description: Juniperus communis is very variable in its form. From a cone-shaped tall shrub to a low spreading shrub, and occasionally even a tree reaching 15 m. Juniperus communis is cultivated and used as an evergreen ornamental shrub in gardens. Therefore having a horticultural value. Attracts birds.

How to grow: Juniperus communis thrives in full sun and well-drained soils. Most varieties are drought-tolerant once established. Junipers are tolerant of a wide variety of sites and have many uses, including in the rock garden and as groundcover. It can be used in containers. Requiring low maintenance and little if any pruning. Propagation by cuttings.

The thousand-year old art of living miniature plants. Bonsai means BON = bowl and SAI = plant and is derived from China, but mostly developed in Japan. A bonsai requires high maintenance, but is so beautiful and sculptural.

J as in Juniperus. Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

A as in Amaranthus

A as in Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green NookFamily: Amaranthaceae

Genus: Amaranthus

Species: Amaranthus caudatus

Common names: love-lies-bleeding, pendant amaranth, tassel flower, velvet flower, foxtail amaranth, and quilete. Swedish name: rävsvans

Amaranthus caudatus is an annual plant which descends from South America. It is edible and the grain crop is an important source of food in India, some parts of West Africa and South America (where it is called kiwicha). It is rich in nutrients and high in protein. On top of all it is a gluten-free grain and classified as a superfood.

Amaranthus caudatus. Letter A Blogging From A to Z April (2015) Challenge | My Green Nook

Amaranthus caudatus. Photo: M a n u e l ©

Description: There are a wide range of Amaranthus varieties with different characteristics. ‘Pony Tails’ and ‘Viridis’ (green tail) are two common varieties to buy from seed.

How to grow: Grow it in full or part sun. Amaranthus tolerates high heat and any soil as long as drainage is good. For faster growth and more flowers it needs water regularly. It does tolerate some drought once established. Since it is frost sensitive you have to wait until the ground has warmed up before planting it. You may plant the seeds directly in the garden bed or start it up indoors and then put it out. It is a large plant which takes its place. Use it as a centerpiece in a garden bed or in a large container. Why not making it a part of your edible garden? It is also suitable for a wildlife garden since it attracts birds. Amaranthus may become a weed in some regions. But in Sweden and other temperate areas that will not be a problem.



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The edible flower garden

When talking about edible and garden most of us see this:

Vegetables - My Green NookVegetables, and perhaps fruit, herbs and berries. But how about this?

Vegetables an edible flowers - My Green NookThe flowers have found their way into the kitchen. And I bet the edible garden looks pretty and is full of life.

Here in Stockholm winter has it´s grip and the gardening season seems far away. Now is the time for pruning apple trees and other non-bleeders. Today the sun is shining and the snow is glistening. These days are lovely. I am sitting in my nook writing and came to think of all the amazing gardens I have seen on other blogs. Some of you never get snow or the winter season is still mild. Others already have witnessed the first signs of Spring. Maybe your bulbs and tubers are in their prime. At first I thought it was a little bit early to tell you about the edible flower garden. But after considering the varieties in climate and plant zones I changed my mind.

Once I made an edible flower composition for a public square in a suburb to Stockholm. I was given the task to decorate three large containers. I knew that during summer it used to be market stands selling fruit and vegetables on the square. So I came up with the idea to use edible plants in the containers to suit the theme. Unfortunately I did not get the chance to photograph them. So sadly I have no pictures to show you. Well the employer was very pleased so it have to have been a success. But I got the plants written down so I can try to give you a picture.

Before I continue I would like to tell you the story of being a gardener in Sweden and similar plant zones. First of all you have to order the annual Summer plants in the Winter often already in November. And the annual Spring plants is ordered during the prior summer. The nursery takes your order and start their work. So your plants is ready for delivery in the beginning of summer, often in June. Spring plants is commonly delivered in April. It takes a skilled planer and an established or at least good relation with the nursery.

This procedure makes gardening a bit more interesting and advanced. You are not able to choose the plants on the nursery and you cannot see your chosen plants live. So you depend on your experience and gut feeling. Viewing plants online or in a catalog seldom shows the correct colors. So you have to be careful and make your composition flexible. A second thing to take into account is that accidents happen. Even the best of nurseries may fail for many different reasons. This is why I always order some extra plants to be sure, about 10% of the total order is insurance plants. If you don´t need them while planting you can keep them as a reserve. Plants are living material and may die or deteriorate for some reason. Make sure you have a back up plan. Speak with your nursery and solve it together. Maybe you don´t have to have a particular variety or sort but rather a specific color, structure or habitus.

To cut to the chase… This is my pick of flowers for the composition I told you about earlier in this post. I named the theme Citrus and made two different compositions, Orange and Lemon.

The edible flower garden - My Green Nook

Theme Citrus

Container Orange

  • Tagetes tenuifolia ‘Orange Gem’ – Marigold
  • Pelargonium ‘Orange Fizz’ – Scented Geranium
  • Beta vulgaris ‘Orange Fantasia’ – Swiss chard
  • Cynara cardunculus ‘Green Globe’ – Artichoke

Container Lemon

  • Tagetes tenuifolia ‘Lemon Gem’ –  Marigold
  • Pelargonium ‘Citronella’ – Scented Geranium
  • Beta vulgaris ‘Bright Yellow’ – Swiss chard
  • Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy bear’ – Sunflower

To keep the two compositions together I used Perilla frutescens (Red Shiso) as a pop-up plant in both containers.

I also found some recipes including edible flowers. I think it is a fun idea and actually tasty too. I once had Geranium cake and it was delicious. Have you ever tried to use flowers in your cooking?

Edible flower recipes - My Green Nook

Do you want to read more about edible flowers?


Book tips: Edible flowers - My Green Nook

Caution: Never eat anything you do not recognize or know for sure it is edible. There are a lot of poisonous flowers so be wise. For Geraniums it is only the scented once you can eat including, Pelargonium graveolens. And I advise you to only use organic grown flowers. You do not want any pesticides or other chemicals in your food.

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